Ohmygator Studios

Happy Babies make for Slow Art Poster PDFs


This set of PDFs includes both the letter-sized (8.5″ x 11″) and the tabloid-sized (11″ x 17″) version of the “Happy Babies” poster.

For every momma or poppa artist out there! A print to color or paint with your kids and hang up in your studio as a glorious #worthit reminder!

There was a momma potter online that was lamenting how sad it was that she couldn’t get into the studio as much as she wanted because she is also a full-time momma. She loved her kids, but she also loved getting muddy in the studio. (I CAN TOTALLY RELATE TO THAT!) I commented, “Happy babies make for slow art!” And she was like, “Dude yes!” Well, she probably didn’t say “dude”, but the sentiment was there.

And it IS true! Happy babies make for very slow art-making sometimes, but they are SO WORTH IT! I thought it would be fun to make a print that you could color or paint on with your kids and hang it in your studio as a reminder.



This is the poster. It loves you back.

Print it. Color it with your kids. Leave it half finished. It’s not judging you.

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